Start Here.
Changing your thoughts, opening your heart, starting a new business, letting something go, letting something in, or speaking up for yourself—all of that can feel daunting, almost impossible, at first glance. But what if you embrace where you are and start there, realizing it's a place of freedom, not limitation? This is your starting point, your launchpad to a new beginning.
What’s YOUR “Why”?
Before I start any task or project, I ask, “Why am I doing this?” This simple question has become a powerful tool in my life. It’s not just about the task at hand but about understanding and being transparent about your motives when embarking on any action, from volunteering to making dinner for friends.
The Holidays Already?!?
Whether you love or dread the holidays, read this before you overindulge, overspend, or overcommit. It might save you a couple of pounds, a few hours of rest, and more than a few dollars.
DIY Love
Some of us may have been taught from birth (wittingly or unwittingly) through the words and actions of our caregivers that loving ourselves is unnecessary, corny, conceded, or even selfish. As kids, we calculated our sense of culture, family dynamics, and where our family unit “fit” into the world around us. We took in all this information individually, built our own story of who we are and how we belong, and created the persona we wear to work, in bed, to our kid’s soccer games, and, most importantly, how we view ourselves.
Is Humility A Superpower?
A recurring theme—a deeper dive into myself—is happening in my life. As a professional author and creator whose mission is to be of service and successful, I can't sit on the sidelines and hope for the best. Being in business for yourself is fantastic and challenging, especially when you refrain from offering your products to big-box stores or online retailers. I love to support bookstores and small businesses. I don't want to live in a world where Amazon is our only option, so I do my small part.
The Slow Flow and Rhythm of Progress!
As a reforming perfectionist, I have learned to enjoy progress's slow flow and rhythm. It can feel daunting when we start something new, and it could make us overthink, over-prepare, and/or procrastinate when considering significant changes in our lives. The trick is to start! Take whatever the challenge is, one step at a time, like implementing new software or planning a wedding. Make a list and knock one thing off at a time.
Tricks to Skip Overwhelm and Head Straight to Fabulous
There are some things that can feel overwhelming to begin but will make you feel fabulous when you get started.
Free-Form Writing
I want to share one of the tools I use that has significantly impacted my life. I often add free-form writing to my morning meditation practice. It's practical, accessible, requires no skill or money, and has positively changed my life. It’s too good not to share! And all you need is a pen and paper or a laptop.
Truth Be Told…
The other day, I judged and gossiped about someone else’s life. It immediately didn’t feel good. First, “who am I to judge anyone” and the more important question, the healing question, “why am I judging anyone?” Judgment is holding a mirror up to your soul; it’s always about you, not the other person.
Sometimes You Have to Calm “the F Word” Down to Hear Your Intuition.
This picture is of me at an orphanage in southern India. It was one of the best and most profound experiences of my life. But here's the thing: I never pictured myself visiting India.
Happiness is Fleeting. Joy is Evergreen!
I was reminded by a colleague yesterday that the Journey is everything. It isn’t when we get “there” or have “that” thing. Joy can be present en route.
Do You Feel Like Han Solo Trapped in Carbonite?
If life seems overwhelming and you wake up day after day with the same list of complaints, it’s time to break the cycle. When we find ourselves in a downward spiral of promises made, promises broken, a lack of motivation, and self-loathing on repeat. It’s not fun and, in all honesty, can be highly debilitating. Making unkept promises to others and, more critically, to ourselves can lead to depression, anxiety, and loss of self-worth.
Let’s Infect People with Optimism, Hope, and Smiles
Life is a delicate balance—a dance between what’s happening now and our ability to manifest what will happen next.
Help! Anybody?
Ask for help when you need it. It's the kind thing to do for everyone involved! Your friends want to be there for you. Asking for help opens a line of authentic communication and can deepen relationships.
Fear or Faith?
What’s your highest belief right now in this moment? We’ve all heard our only limits are the ones we place on ourselves. That’s true. What’s also true is we can only reach as high as we can believe we can. Like a fingerprint, every individual has their very own belief system and perceptions of the world around them.
Seeking Outside Validation is *SO* 2021!
As I wrote and rewrote parts of my website, fretted over shipping costs for my newly published books, and seriously resisted marketing for the past few weeks, it occurred to me that I’m afraid. I’m not scared of failing; I’m terrified of succeeding. It seems strange to say out loud, but that’s what’s happening.
Why a Vision Board?
Why a vision board? Sounds corny and dated, right? It might be both of those things, but if it works, then why not a vision board? A thought-out vision board can be a powerful and fun tool in your manifesting toolbox. Here are 12 easy-to-follow steps for creating an impactful vision board that really works.
Cracking Shells
When I was a little girl, my grandparents had a magical family farm and my grandfather loved the earth, the dirt, the shade of a tree. He was and still is the soul I look to for guidance. He knew when to talk and when to listen. He was an angel on earth to guide and deliver messages of hope and love.
Fun Tradition or Forced Obligation?
When I was first divorced, one of the hardest things for me to realize was that the traditions I had started for my family had to change and that most things would never be the same. Traditions give us structure and familiarity. Sometimes when life shifts, we hold on tight to the things we know for comfort.