Sometimes You Have to Calm “the F Word” Down to Hear Your Intuition.

This picture is of me at an orphanage in southern India. It was one of the best and most profound experiences of my life. But here's the thing: I never pictured myself visiting India. Sure, I'm a spiritual person and always looking to expand and connect, but truthfully, I don't enjoy being physically uncomfortable.

Here's the backstory. A few years ago, I was at a crossroads—confused, scared, and unclear about what I was meant to do with my life. I had signed up for Jack Canfield's "Breakthrough to Success" seminar earlier in the year. I was not thrilled about going and went with a poor, know-it-all attitude. During the first half of the first day, I wondered why I was there and thought, "This is so basic!" I'm sure I was emitting toxic vibes and creating an almost physical barrier keeping people away.

I moped back to my room at lunch and had a serious talk with myself. I went through all the reasons I needed to get over myself now. I paid for this, and I’m here, so why not listen and learn? I know I tend to react first, and it's always beneficial if I calm "the F word" down and tune in to my surroundings.

So I made these agreements with myself:

  • Calm “the F word” down and listen

  • Go to every group lunch and activity

  • Meet new people

  • Be open to new ideas and possibilities

  • Have a beginner's mind

  • Expect great things to happen

  • Be humble and kind

When I returned to the group, everything changed. My mind and heart were wide open and ready to receive and give (thank goodness, because, in the next exercise, we had to hug ten strangers)! I could write a book on all the crazy coincidences and opportunities that presented themselves once I tuned my vibration to their frequency. So today, I'll focus on just one life-changing event from the week.

I'm an introvert, so having lunch in a ballroom without knowing anyone is a victory. But I had promised myself not to miss a group lunch, so I went. I was sitting there trying to small talk with the group at the table when a woman walked in and looked directly at me. It was a little unnerving; I did not know this woman. I went through the agreements I had made with myself, and a few minutes later, she made her way to my table. She sat down, connected, and started an intense and enlightening conversation.

It turns out she was the guest speaker at the event. She's highly intuitive and a powerhouse of a woman. Almost halfway through the conversation, she proceeded to tell me I was too comfortable in my life and that I might need a new perspective. She suggested a trip to India to live in an ashram for 30 days. You should know I don't enjoy camping, bugs, dirt, or being uncomfortable. But I knew I was going to India. 

Jack Canfield did not disappoint; I had many breakthroughs and magnificent experiences, plus he's a great teacher. Paired with my (new) open mind and humble heart, my intuition was on rapid-fire. It was a life-changing event, and I'm still reaping the rewards.

This story is such an excellent reminder for me. If I hadn't changed my attitude and made these agreements with myself, a long chain of events wouldn't have occurred. We change our lives one decision at a time. If we're open to our lives, who knows what opportunities are available to us at any moment. We have to say yes and then take action!

Almost immediately after I returned from this trip, the world shut down. I'm so grateful to have had the experience, giant spiders and all. Life is marvelous and filled with mystery, excitement, and adventure.

With every decision, we create a life. We make decisions based on our mindsets. What we think and what we tell ourselves matters. Can you make some new agreements with yourself that will increase your happiness tomorrow? That's for you to ponder over coffee.


Kindness is Contagious


Happiness is Fleeting. Joy is Evergreen!