Is Humility A Superpower?

A recurring theme—a deeper dive into myself—is happening in my life. As a professional author and creator whose mission is to be of service and successful, I can't sit on the sidelines and hope for the best. Being in business for yourself is fantastic and challenging, especially when you refrain from offering your products to big-box stores or online retailers. I love to support bookstores and small businesses. I don't want to live in a world where Amazon is our only option, so I do my small part.

Because of that, I rely entirely on Instagram, my website, small businesses, and word of mouth to generate interest and sales. I've learned so much about myself from this experience. The first thing is that you must understand your "why." Why am I doing this, and what do I hope to accomplish? This answer informs everything from messaging to materials to conversations and, honestly, your level of satisfaction. Your "why" must align to resonate with your audience and you. False narratives, motives, or versions of yourself are easily detected and most likely rejected. If you don't understand your "why," neither will the audience you're trying to attract.

The second thing I've learned is that I want to attract my audience, not chase them. I want to bring value by helping people love themselves more each day. I want to be the light when things are dark; I want people to feel seen and heard.

The third and most important thing is humility. Over a year ago or so, I posted a video where I dropped some books off at local stores to see if they would carry them. I was scared, sweaty, and stuttering—I was terrified of rejection. When you embrace your humility, your ego takes a vacation; it's easier to enjoy the process when you're here to learn. In the past year, I've learned that just being me is my brand, and my "why" is to add value, love, acceptance, and guidance through my books, articles, creations, and workshops.

The ego says, What if they hate my books and won't put them in their stores? What if they hate me? It's the ego that gets the chip on the shoulder. It's the ego that gets upset and starts justifications. Diving below the ego can create growth opportunities. Humility says, What will I learn today? Who can I help? What fun opportunities await me? Humility and vulnerability create a peaceful existence and space to grow and develop new skills.

Humility is a virtue. Being humble can:

  • Open your eyes to new ways, ideas, and opportunities.

  • Create a more compassionate heart.

  • Open doors you might have been too afraid to try.

  • Improve relationships by concentrating on your learning, not focusing on others.

  •  Help you let go of what's not meant for you.

When you choose to practice humility, it becomes increasingly apparent when the ego runs away. The more I can lean into learning about myself and discovering my masks and blocks, the more I'm willing to put myself out there. As things come up for me (for example, an Instagram post that didn't go over as well as I would have liked), I ask myself:

  • Is this my ego?

  • What's my "why"?

  • What can I learn?

  • Am I okay?

  • Why does this trigger me?

By asking these questions, I can get out of my ego, and I no longer care how many likes my post received. If I'm truthful and vulnerable, my audience will find me. Nothing meant for me will pass me by. I can also take the analytics information to better time and structure my posts. The answer is always interesting when I ask myself if I'm okay. Sometimes, my feelings are hurt, and I dive deeper into the questions above, and sometimes, I discover I'm not only okay, but I'm enjoying the process.  

Being humble goes against the old paradigm of outwardly being the best and showing off. To some, vulnerability and humility trigger an image of weakness or being used as a doormat. This is shifting. But the more we understand and accept our true nature, the more we can connect to others. Being humble acknowledges our humanity and can change the world one beautiful connection at a time.  

Love, Julie


DIY Love


The Slow Flow and Rhythm of Progress!